Loading Github data into Gatsby sites

April 25, 2020

I want to load some of my open source projects data and show them on my new personal website. This blog post shows how I did it.

I searched Github plugin on Gatsby plugin site and found the most popular one gatsby-source-github-api.

Install the plugin

$ npm i gatsby-source-github-api

Add config to gatsby-config.js

I want to query the top 4 pinedItems for myself. First step is to define the author name and number of items to query userFirst in the options.variables.

Next is to query the pined repos querying the name, url, description.

  resolve: `gatsby-source-github-api`,
  options: {
    token: process.env.GITHUB_TOKEN,
    graphQLQuery: `
      query ($author: String = "", $userFirst: Int = 0) {
        user(login: $author) {
          pinnedItems(first: $userFirst) {
            edges {
              node {
                ... on Repository {
    variables: {
      author: 'fraserxu',
      userFirst: 4,

Follow GitHub’s guide how to generate a token.

Note that here we are reading the GITHUB_TOKEN from process.env. For development, we can pass it from the develop command with GITHUB_TOKEN=xxx gatsby develop. For production, this can be usually setup with any secrets management tool. In my case, I’m using netlify to manage my site and I can just set this in the Environment variables tab from project deploy setting page.

Query data in page

After adding the plugin and config, we will be able to query the data from page level component.

export const pageQuery = graphql`
  query {
    githubData {
      data {
        user {
          pinnedItems {
            edges {
              node {

And then rendering the data with

const pinedRepos = data.githubData.data.user.pinnedItems.edges.map(
  (edge) => edge.node

return (
  <h2>Open source work:</h2>
    {pinedRepos.map((repo) => {
      return (
        <li key={repo.name}>
          <a href={repo.url}>{repo.name}</a>


And that’s it! Here’s the result:


This is the full pull request I did on Github and result can be viewed on my new personal website fraserxu.dev.